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ALM CEO is a New Champion for Successful Independents

23 September 2019

Chris Baddock has officially taken over as CEO at Australian Liquor Marketers (ALM) after being announced as Scott Marshall’s successor back in October last year. Baddock is a well credentialed executive with more than 25 years of experience, many of those in liquor, with a background on both the supplier and retailer sides. For its September issue, National Liquor News caught up with Baddock to find out a bit more about his background and what his plans are for ALM moving forward.

NLN: Can you tell me a bit about ALM’s partnership with Complexica and how that’s progressing?

It’s exciting. We’re in phase one, and phase one is going to ensure that we optimise the promotional programming for our retailers. What it’s really doing is focusing on what the consumers are purchasing today, that will help us understand what’s emerging regarding categories. And through literally hundreds of thousands of lines of data, understand what the correct mix is for both the consumer and the retailer. So, it’s giving us the optimal mix and we’ve already scoped phase two and three. That is where artificial intelligence (AI) will help us build even more effective promotional programming.

To read the full article, please visit: https://www.theshout.com.au/national-liquor-news/alm-ceo-is-a-new-champion-for-successful-independents/

Topics: Complexica Decision Cloud, pricing optimisation, Australian Liquor Marketers


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